Ifetayo Youth Ensemble (IYE), an award-winning performing ensemble of 35 young people ages 12-21 dedicated to the creation of original socially relevant interdisciplinary performance works. Through a supportive, healing structure for arts training and self-creation, the IYE provides members and apprentices with opportunities to realize themselves through performance, bring dialogue to their communities, and develop their potential as community transformers.
Youth are stimulated as artists, scholars, and activists by researching and creating new works that address pressing social issues. Research along with interpretation of written texts, peer coaching sessions, interviews with community leaders, and visits to relevant exhibits and presentations are integral elements of the group’s creative process.
The Youth Ensemble meets weekly for training, professional coaching, and rehearsal all day Saturday for a total of 8-10 hours per week. Additional activities include research and field trips that take place after-school on weekdays, weekends and on holidays.
The group renders its interpretations of the works of major choreographers and has worked with Donald Byrd, Bebe Miller, Abdel Salaam, Sarita Allen, Marilyn Worrell, Walter Jones, Faybiene Miranda, Sarita Allen, Ron Bobb-Semple and Kevin Iega Jeff. Performances of such works serve to expand and diversify IYE’s repertoire and also provide opportunities to build strong relationships between IYE members and professional artists. The group performs at local community schools, theaters, churches, special events, at Ifetayo concerts, and other Brooklyn venues. Members audition to be accepted into the ensemble and receive full artistic scholarships for training and rehearsals.
Program Goals
- To provide high quality training by offering professional level training with nationally recognized artists, choreographers, composers, and playwrights.
- To teach technical skills in the arts that promotes articulate self-expression through artistic expression.
- To prepare youth for ongoing study and careers in the arts.
- To provide an opportunity and vehicle for youth to build self esteem and cultural awareness.
- To engage youth as artists and scholars, playwrights, and choreographers.
- To engage youth as activists to identify important social issues.
- To utilize the arts as a vehicle for self liberation and a mechanism for youth identified social issues.
The resulting works are authentic, honestly and openly addressing issues that are meaningful to young women and men, because they are real issues that teenagers face. The students also use this medium as a means to express their opinions about socio-economic and political issues facing them and their communities.
When they perform, IYE members share their skill, confidence, and growing self-knowledge with other young people and audiences of all ages to create awareness, provide opportunities for open dialogue and present solutions to eradicate injustices and social inequities. The Youth use the arts as a tool for social change and community development and allows them to become powerful advocates.