Ifetayo Cultural Arts Academy
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"Tomorrow belongs
to the people who
prepare for it today."

- Guinea, West Africa

I Am My Brother (IAMB)

I Am My Brother (IAMB)

I Am My Brother (IAMB) program for boys and young men ages 8 - 21 assists boys and teen brother’s transition through adolescence and successfully reach adulthood. Positive role models and coached in the program are a major source of support to the young brothers and help them reach a point of inner clarity and develop positive self-definition. In a culture where men of African descent are often depicted in the media as perils of society, Ifetayo provides its students with the counter perspective in which black men are leaders, providers, scholars and contributors to a global community.

An important component of the Brother's Rites of Passage program is the introduction and full discussion of historical and contemporary issues young boys and men of African descent face in America and globally. These discussions serve as a foundation for the development of skills necessary to survive the dangers of racial profiling, police brutality, incarceration, gang membership and drug use. The IAMB program is subdivided into three separate age levels: "Pre-Rites" serves youth ages 8 to 11, "Transition Rites" serves youth 12-13, and "Teen Rites" serves youth ages 14-18 creating three different program tracks. Programs are located at Ifetayo's on-campus location and at partner public schools.

Program Goals