Congrats to Bahati Barton, a 12th grader at LaGuardia School for the Performing Arts, on being named a 2011-12 Peter Jay Sharp Youth Arts Fellow by the Brooklyn Community Foundation. Bahati was nominated by Ifetayo Cultural Arts Academy in the specialty of dance and voice.
Over the next year, she and nine other high school students from Brooklyn will meet with arts executives in Brooklyn, attend professional performances and trainings, and receive expert advice and support on pursuing careers in the arts. They'll go behind-the-scenes at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM), Mark Morris Dance Center, Brooklyn College, and the Brooklyn Museum.
The first meeting of the program took place on October 13th at BAM, where students met with BAM President Karen Brooklyn Hopkins, toured the Peter Jay Sharp Building, and attended a performance of Symphony for the Dance Floor - part of BAM's Next Wave series.